The Icebreaker

After several failed attempts, I finally talked my self over into starting my very own blog. All of my earlier tries had wilted not knowing where to start. This final time I decided to just do what feels right how it feels good to do it. So this time around I had in mind a very different approach: I won't stress over this, I'll let it come on it's own -naturally. Because why not?
I want to make clear from the very beginning that the goal of this website is to promote all things positive and strengthen that good energy that empowers us. Therefore, my plans include recipes, honest but positive thoughts, beautiful pictures and all sorts of tips to help you out with a side of my own designs. You know, all those little things to keep that sparkle in your eye and hopefully remind you about the important things in life. The simple joy hidden in everyday routines and the well-earned luxury of lazy weekend mornings. Just like life here you will find a unique mess of all sorts of things so don't expect anything too serious.
In short this is my welcome. I hope to see you here often and I genuinely want to be able to give you something in return for giving my blog a read.
My first inspiration is in this message:



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