Pumpkin Spice and All Things Nice

Tea - Blankets - Candles - Sweaters - Crisp leaves - Fresh air - Pumpkins - Dark lips - Knee socks - Apples - Plums - Mushrooms - Trench coats - Books...

The list goes on and on but this is what fall stands for to me.

What is fall to you? 

Every year, when the air gets colder, nights get darker and the trees start preparing for winter coloring the nature in the most amazing palette I feel really happy. The mystery in every night, honesty in the day and the brutally cold morning air all bring me life. I know that I am very different from most people (at least most Finns) because of this. Generally autumn is summarized as the most miserable of months packed with work and nature thanking you for this only by freezing your fingers. But to me it is so many good things.

I love how I can go outside for a walk at night to clear my thoughts after a long day of studying and genuinely feel the moment thanks to the cold air and darkness. I love stepping outside and having the crisp breeze blow new opportunities at me. Then, when I get inside I get to cuddle with my blanket and drink a warm cup of tea (I'm obsessed with mango green tea atm). And the stock. Apples, pumpkins, plums, mushrooms... All of my favorites! And they are so versatile, I can make so many mouthwatering treats from them. Think apple pie, chanterelle sauce, pumpkin spice latte. Ah, I get so hungry just thinking about them!

Fall is also a great time for sunset runs in Finland because, thanks to our rather arctic location, the sun sets earlier every day. In summer it's way too late and far too early in the winter (not to mention cold!). This season is also fantastic for watching movies, both in and out. As well as reading. I'm a total bookworm and often like to dedicate the fall to season appropriate novels and rereads of my favorite fantasy books. This year I'm going for, well obviously there was Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (HP is forever my go-to reread), Lord Of the Rings, Hunger Games (which I've been working on in Swedish for practice) and who nows what new finds. (Stay up to date on my reader life here)

And I know I can't say autumn without talking about the style. I absolutely live for the time of year when I get to wear my brown booties, dig out my sweaters and long-sleeves (all that burgundy, brown, purple and beige) and when it's not too daring temperature wise, rock a skirt and knee socks. Yes. That is my style soul mate. And I think that loose curls/waves really suit the season. This year I've also found darker shades of lipstick and am very into that. And don't forget the matching nail polish and golden accessories. And scarves. This is to me is love.

Last but not least, Halloween. It would be an understatement to say that I'm obsessed with Halloween. I'm just going to leave it that. This text would very likely turn into a runon post if I got into any more detail. Maybe I'll make a separate one closer to the Eve.


Oh and I NEED to discuss this: fall or autumn? I know there's a British vs. US difference but I don't care about it. I use both but do like the sound of autumn more. What's your take on this?



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