Packing TIPS

Heellooo everybody!!

Today I'm in a good mood and the explanation is simple: syysloma. AKA, "fall break" (I have a week off from school hallelujah!). And the best part is that it's only Sunday of the week BEFORE the actual holiday and I already feel relaxed and have had a great time seeing my friend up in Tampere.

The only thing working against my wonderful flow is this gray weather -it's literally lackluster. Ugh.

But, (It's a good but ;D) I just finished packing for my next trip (even though I'll publish this later for safety). Packing to me, is definitely an important part of vacations. It really gets me excited of the trip ahead, feels so special and gives me a good reason to outfit plan. 

So, I put together a couple of simple but helpful tips for packing. Because I know that fitting you closet, bathroom and bookshelf all in a mere square meter can be quite the struggle. I always aim to travel light and opt for hand luggage (at least on the way there).

How to travel (pack) smarter/lighter:

-If we were to start all the way from buying baggage, lighter bags that fit the standard length-width-depth measurements will make your life a whole lot easier
-If your bag has an uneven bottom, use it to your advantage: pack shoes, purses or pants to "fill out" the bottom
-I find that if my clothes are of a material that doesn't wrinkle easily, rolling them can help pack your bag denser. If not, at least you'll be able to see all the shirts you packed at one glance which will help you when you arrive and are desperately looking for that one shirt
-Plan your outfits as extensively as you can, this way you'll avoid packing clothes you aren't going to wear at all and can pack only a certain number of bottoms per tops. 
-When packing, place each outfit together so that it'll be no effort what so ever when you take your clothes out. 
-If you find you are running out of space, just take a few items into your handbag/carry on
-It's also a good idea to have the most important necessities and a change of clothes in your onboard baggage if you're checking a bag in in case your bag doesn't land with you (just you know, no liquids)
-If you have a big carry on/hand bag, have a smaller bag that you can have by your seat in the plane more comfortably and easy to reach. I for example always keep my book, magazine, iPod, notebook, snack.. whatever I'll be needing during the flight in a pouch that can be hung from the small coat hook thing. It's really handy!

Alrighty, well, I hope this helps you out the next time you're traveling. Do you have any mind blowing tips? Let me know! They can be for packing or just traveling in general. :)

Lots of love,


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